Facilitation, Training, Retreats & Teambuilding

We facilitate workshops designed and customized for your group and its needs. Some past offerings have included:

  • Board or staff retreats

  • Annual conferences

  • Full and half-day workshops for whole staffs, or smaller learning community

  • Nurturing Nurturers: for helping professionals

  • Resilience Rejuvenation: re-storying ourselves

  • Out Of Office: digital team-building during working-from-home

  • Soul Wounds: trauma’s impact

  • The Path is Through: summoning courage for challenges/transitions

  • Troubled Legacies: historical US context and self-exploration of current systemic injustice in education or mental health

  • Working on Whiteness: space for unlearning socialized white-body supremacy and developing antiracist ways of being

…and more!